Our annual ASA Whitecaps game is Sunday, April 24th we are looking forward to seeing everyone. Tickets are no longer available for purchase online. If you have questions, please contact the Elementary office or Christine Jarecki at [email protected].
Due to the forecasted weather conditions for Thursday, March 24, the Via Dolorosa will be postponed and rescheduled for Alleluia Day-Wednesday, April 27. More information in regards to the itinerary for Alleluia Day to follow in the upcoming weeks.
This Thursday, March 24th, will be treated like a typical Thursday (other than it being Holy, of course) with students reporting to both campuses and dismissal at the normal time. Hot lunch will be available and the option will be the same sack lunch as planned.
No School on March 25, Good Friday and on Easter Monday, March 28. Child care is available for those signed up. Sign up sheets are in the childcare rooms.