Returning Families will be sent an enrollment agreement. On
Weds, January 16, 2019 a paper copy of the enrollment paperwork will be sent home with the family student courier. Please check those backpacks! As a back up, an electronic copy of the paperwork will be emailed to parents that same day. To secure your spot, be sure to complete and return it by February 10. Your child is considered enrolled when the enrollment agreement is completed and returned to ASA.
Parishioners of Blessed Sacrament, St. Alphonsus, St. Isidore, and St. Jude parishes are eligible to begin submitting enrollment agreements on
Monday, February 11, 2019. There will be an Enroll Now link in right quick links column of the home page on our website. This will begin the process for you. Your child is considered enrolled when the applications and enrollment agreement are completed and returned to ASA, and the family has signed up with SmartTuition.
Open Enrollment: All new families are eligible to begin submitting enrollment agreements on
Friday, March 1, 2019. You may start your enrollment process before March 1, however space will not be reserved and your paperwork will not be processed until then. There will be an Enroll Now link in right quick links column of the home page on our website. This will begin the process for you. Your child is considered enrolled when the applications and enrollment agreement are completed and returned to ASA, and the family has signed up with SmartTuition.